Is Your Workplace Making Covid ‘Vaccination’ Mandatory?

Dont be fooled! The "Covid-19 Vaccine" is optional.

So, I hear a lot of people are being pushed into getting themselves injected?
Please, stop calling names, they are NOT anti-vaxors, they are anti-covid-injection. The fact is that the Covid injection isn’t actually a vaccine in the way we understand vaccines. They don’t protect against or stop you from transmitting Covid-19.
As a small business owner, I won’t be pushed into anything. I will do my own research into the facts and use common sense. Anyone who discourages others from researching and thinking for themselves is effectively leading people to a herd mentality and telling them to trust those in authority. Never wise.
I say no. And, below is an attached PDF of interest. From 27th September 2021, Fair Work Commission. There is a lot to read but skip to Paragraph 100 Onward for the good stuff.
107 in particular.
[107] The Fair Work Ombudsman has publicly stated that employers will need to have a “compelling reason” before requiring vaccinations, and that “the overwhelming majority of employers should assume that they can’t require their employees to be vaccinated against coronavirus”. (emphasis added)
Paragraph 113 gives the facts of the matter.
[113] Before turning to a consideration of these reasons, it is important to set the context with some information that is publicly available and should be uncontroversial:
  1. Unlike many other vaccinations such as those used to stop the spread of tetanus, yellow fever and smallpox, COVID vaccinations are not designed to stop COVID. They are designed to reduce the symptoms of the virus, however a fully vaccinated person can contract and transmit COVID. 

  2. The science is clear in that COVID is less serious for those who are young and otherwise healthy compared to those who are elderly and/or who have co-morbidities. In other words, the risk of COVID is far greater for those who are elderly or have co-morbidities. Around 87% of those who have died with COVID in Australia are over 80 years old and had other pre-existing illnesses listed on their death certificates.

  3. The World Health Organisation has stated that most people diagnosed with COVID will recover without the need for any medical treatment. 

  4. The vaccines are only provisionally approved for use in Australia and are accordingly still part of a clinical trial.

  5. There are side effects to the COVID vaccines that are now known. That side effects exist is not a conspiracy theory.

  6. The long-term effects of the COVID vaccines are unknown, and this is recognised by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia.

There is more as you go down from there.
[135] In order for an employer to meet its duties under health and safety laws, it will need to minimise the risk of exposure to COVID in the workplace, which will require employers to apply all reasonably practicable COVID control measures.
[136] As noted earlier, Safe Work Australia, in relation to whether employers need to include mandatory vaccination as a control measure to comply with WHS duties, has advised that “it is unlikely that a requirement for workers to be vaccinated will be ‘reasonably practicable’”.
The Science is Clear
[144] The science is clear that those who have recovered from COVID have at least the same level of protection from COVID as a person who has been vaccinated. There can be absolutely no legitimate basis, then, for mandating vaccination for this group of people.
No Justifiable Basis For Employers To Mandate COVID Vaccinations
In short, there is no justifiable basis for employers to mandate COVID vaccinations to meet their health and safety obligations when other options are available to appropriately manage the risk.
[146] Finally, it should be clearly understood that employers who mandate vaccinations will be liable for any adverse reactions their workers may experience, given this is a foreseeable outcome for some people.
School Staff?
[156] Notwithstanding there is no advice from the AHPPC to mandate vaccinations for school staff, the NSW Government has also made a PHO requiring that all workers in NSW schools be vaccinated, which extends to volunteers. Those without a COVID vaccine will not be able perform any work at a school after 8 November 2021 (unless a medical exemption applies). On the face of it, this will prevent a parent from attending their child’s school to assist with reading, or prevent a volunteer from occasionally helping out with maintenance or gardening at a school. What risk does a person pose that needs to be controlled by vaccination who mows the lawns of a school on a weekend? Of course, there is no risk that requires a vaccination.
If Forced It May Break Discrimination Laws
[174] It is highly likely that the dismissal of an employee who fails to have the COVID vaccine will breach the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DD Act). The DD Act makes it unlawful to discriminate against a person, including in employment and in accessing services, because of a disability. [175] The definition of disability in s.4 of the DD Act includes “the presence in the body of organisms capable of causing disease or illness”. It includes a disability that presently exists, or previously existed but no longer exists, or may exist in the future, or is imputed to a person.